近期封锁又严了 最严的时候Github都不能幸免

在这个特殊时期 方教授还在辛勤工作 感动!

而且这次恶心人的封IP手段叒用上了 随手写了个Vultr换服脚本 通过调用Vultr API 自动创建Snapshot并以其生成新的Server

# coding=utf-8 import requests import os import sys import time reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding( "utf-8" ) API_Key = '***************************' Response_Code = { 200: 'Function successfully executed.', 400: 'Invalid API location. Check the URL that you are using.', 403: 'Invalid or missing API key. Check that your API key is present and matches your assigned key.', 405: 'Invalid HTTP method. Check that the method(POST|GET) matches what the documentation indicates.', 412: 'Request failed. Check the response body for a more detailed description.', 500: 'Internal server error. Try again at a later time.', 503: 'Rate limit hit. API requests are limited to an average of 2/s. Try your request again later.', } # VPSPLANID = "201" VPSPLANID = '' SUBID = '' SNAPSHOTID = '' def sendvultr(url,method,formdata=''): if method == 'GET': r = requests.get(url, headers={'API-Key': API_Key}) if method == 'POST': r = requests.post(url, headers={'API-Key': API_Key}, data=formdata) code = r.status_code if code != 200: print method + ' ' + url + '\n' + str(code) + ' ' + Response_Code[code] os.system('pause') os._exit(0) return r.json() def get_available_locations(): r1 = requests.get('https://api.vultr.com/v1/plans/list') PLAN = r1.json()[VPSPLANID] available_locations = PLAN["available_locations"] print PLAN["vcpu_count"] + ' vCPU,' + PLAN["name"] + '可用区:' r2 = requests.get('https://api.vultr.com/v1/regions/list') allregions = r2.json() for i in available_locations: i = str(i) print i + ':' + allregions[i]["name"] + ' ', def destroyServer(id): sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/server/destroy','POST',{'SUBID':id}) print '销毁:' + id def ping_ip(ip): backinfo = os.system('ping %s'%ip) if backinfo: return False else: return True def getstatus(): balance = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/account/info','GET')['balance'][1:] serverlist = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/server/list','GET') if len(serverlist) != 1: print 'Server Not Only One!' os.system('pause') os._exit(0) global SUBID global VPSPLANID for key,values in serverlist.items(): # print values['main_ip'] + ' ' + values['location'] + ' ' + values['power_status'] print values['main_ip'] + '\t' + values['location'] + '\t' + values['power_status'] + '\t' + str(values['current_bandwidth_gb']) + 'GB/' + str(values['allowed_bandwidth_gb']) + 'GB' SUBID = key VPSPLANID = values['VPSPLANID'] print '余额:' + balance def makeSnapshot(): global SNAPSHOTID SNAPSHOTID = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/snapshot/create','POST',{'SUBID':SUBID})['SNAPSHOTID'] print 'Pending....', i = 0 while(1): time.sleep(60) status = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/snapshot/list','GET')[SNAPSHOTID]['status'] if status == 'complete': print 'Snapshot complete!' break i=i+1 print str(i) + '..', destroyServer(SUBID) def CreateServer(): get_available_locations() DCID = raw_input('DCID:') NEWSUBID = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/server/create','POST',{'DCID':DCID, 'VPSPLANID':VPSPLANID, 'OSID':'164', 'SNAPSHOTID':SNAPSHOTID})['SUBID'] print 'Restoring....' i = 0 while(1): time.sleep(60) server_state = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/server/list','GET')[NEWSUBID]['server_state'] if server_state == 'ok': print 'New Server Running!' break i=i+1 print str(i) + '..', newip = sendvultr('https://api.vultr.com/v1/server/list','GET')[NEWSUBID]['main_ip'] if ping_ip(newip) == True: print '测试成功' else: print '测试不通 重试继续' os.system('pause') destroyServer(NEWSUBID) CreateServer() if __name__ == "__main__": print u'1.获取Vultr状态' getstatus() os.system('pause') print u'2.创建Snapshot' makeSnapshot() os.system('pause') print u'3.以快照创建Server' CreateServer()